using svn version control, svn itself does not identify which of the pass, which should not pass, which led to some of the things on the path (such as expanding jar path) have been uploaded, and when someone downloads After that path for this person may be completely absent, the project will compile problems. with eclipse svn plugin installed, you can not fall into the android projects have passed up.
Android project has the following contents of the documents do not need to add to version control:
- bin directory
- gen directory
- . classpath file
- . project file
order to mask them in eclipse, the need for such operations:
- Click on Window -> Preferences
- Select Team -> Ignored Resources
- Click on Add Pattern and enter "bin"
- Click on Add Pattern and enter "target"
- Click on Add Pattern and enter "m2-target"
- Click on Add Pattern and enter "gen"
- Click on Add Pattern and enter ". classpath"
- Click on Add Pattern and enter ". project"
- Click on Apply and then OK
so submitted at a later time, these will automatically masked, not updated up.
Another problem is that each compilation, eclipse src directory will be something to consider to the bin where so. svn will go in, so that even if bin is masked, but still when the svn There are problems, solutions:
Menu - Project - Properties - Java Build Path - Source - xxx / src - Excluded, double-click or point to the right of the editing, Exclusion patterns add "** /. svn / **", so Eclipse ignored. svn directory.