
About Highcharts embedding problem extjs


Ext.onReady (function () {
var sss = '$ {jsonStr}';
var json1 = $. parseJSON (sss);
var json = eval (json1);
var cg = json.baobiao [0]. orgName;
var liftNum = json.baobiao [0]. liftNum;
var badNum = json.baobiao [0]. badNum;
var failureRate = json.baobiao [0]. failureRate;
var failureTime = json.baobiao [0]. failureTime;
var failure = json.baobiao [0]. failure;
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart ();

var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel ({
renderTo: 'liftFailureReportInfoTb', 

activeTab: 0, 

items: [{
html: '
</ div> ',
afterRender: function () { $ ("# Container"). Highcharts ({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', / / ​​DIV's ID
defaultSeriesType: 'column' / / Display Type: columnar
title: { text: 'Report' / / Title
xAxis: {/ / X-axis naming
categories: cg,
labels: { formatter: function () { var s = this.value; if (s.length <= 6) { return '


</ div> </ Body>

front of the variable data from the backstage pass over,
cite some of the main js
page refreshes the data can not be displayed at JS wrong, what 80,020,101 or something, totally do not understand, just getting started with extjs, also requested the god to help look
Ext is version 3.2, highcharts is 2.3.3
------ Solution ------------------------- -------------------
highchart have come out it?
------ For reference only -------------------------------------- -
resolved, is to see the upstairs of the post, but some changes, stickers sharing under the bar

var sss = '$ {jsonStr}';
var json1 = $. parseJSON (sss);
var json = eval (json1);
var cg = json.baobiao [0]. orgName;
var liftNum = json.baobiao [0]. liftNum;
var badNum = json.baobiao [0]. badNum;
var failureRate = json.baobiao [0]. failureRate;
var failureTime = json.baobiao [0]. failureTime;
var failure = json.baobiao [0]. failure;
Ext.onReady (function () {
function createReport () 

var chart;
chart = new Highcharts.Chart ({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container', / / ​​DIV's ID 

defaultSeriesType: 'column' / / Display Type: columnar 


title: {
text: 'elevator malfunction report' / / Title 


xAxis: {/ / X-axis naming 

categories: cg, 

labels: {
formatter: function () {
var s = this.value;
if (s.length <= 6) {
return '

