"- / / Apache Software Foundation / / DTD Struts Configuration 2.0 / / EN"
an error in
mainly type = "redirect" attribute
If you do not type = "redirect" attribute
myEclipse Tip: Invalid result location value / parameter
this how it maps up!
tags below each action will be painted on the yellow waves.
this configuration at run time is no problem. Is that the compiler will complain
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
http://hi.baidu.com/mhlovejn/blog/item/6da64bca5ddcf1377f3e6f8e.html the bar, remove the MyEclipse Struts provides parity.
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no one to solve it? ? ? ? ?
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redirect this should be your own definition of the way it jumps,
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Yeah! Logically should not be being given. type attribute does not know tips.
I configured offline dtd file.
only type attribute does not give tips.
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warning of what the most annoying
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action tags Riga method to get away
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your dtd not associated with the struts2
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type = "redirectAction" Try
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are the same, it should be set up problems!
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associated with the. Associated offline. Not associated with the network, the version is the same.
MyEclipse xml settings on the inside in what place?
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Why do you redirect it?
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Try this
<result name="success" type="redirectAction">list</result>
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redirect it! Otherwise you submit from the form, submitted successfully, you will submit a press F5.
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Okay, wait for the next try!
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this tangled ah
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Invalid result location value / parameter
search, the results are mostly reproduced a "trick" is right Struts.xml then select MyEclipse directly under the "removed all validater what what" is in this Struts.xml remove all files on the results than the check mark, such as all of the red cross ah ah, what a warning.
But doing some little Well, if it is the other wrong? Such constraints do not meet the Struts dtd syntax errors it, these are also not being given it. So this is not a good method.
actually want what you can find a solution, MyEclipse certainly beyond the ordinary method validation xml added Struts nothing special inspection rules, find it, cancel the ok thing. . .
remove build than the seizure, retention than manual inspection, so that when it is necessary to provide the Struts2 MyEclipse when compared to manual inspection check it over to get it ~ ~ o (∩ _ ∩) o
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Invalid result location value / parameter
search, the results are mostly reproduced a "trick" is right Struts.xml then select MyEclipse directly under the "removed all validater what what" is in this Struts.xml remove all files on the results than the check mark, such as all of the red cross ah ah, what a warning.
But doing some little Well, if it is the other wrong? Such constraints do not meet the Struts dtd syntax errors it, these are also not being given it. So this is not a good method.
actually want what you can find a solution, MyEclipse certainly beyond the ordinary method validation xml added Struts nothing special inspection rules, find it, cancel the ok thing. . .
remove build than the seizure, retention than manual inspection, so that when it is necessary to provide the Struts2 MyEclipse when compared to manual inspection check it over to get it ~ ~ o (∩ _ ∩) o